Cyber Hygiene: Recognizing Scam Trends and Protecting Against Data Breaches

21 Jun 2024

The need for cybersecurity data loss prevention goes beyond a simple compliance checkbox in the constantly changing world of threats. It is now your first line of defense against potentially disastrous violations and the threat of impending fines from the authorities. The cybersecurity market is expected to grow to $300 billion in 2024.

Protecting sensitive data and strengthening an organization's ability to withstand a successful cyberattack are the main goals of cyber hygiene. This idea is similar to personal hygiene, in which people do routinely advised behaviors like washing their hands to prevent infections and flossing to prevent cavities.

Similarly, companies may maintain their digital health by continuously implementing preventative cyber hygiene practices designed to lessen the likelihood of security incidents and data breaches. Prioritizing cyber resilience and hygiene is becoming increasingly important as the digital era develops.

It may have been enough in the past to use caution when sharing information and to be aware of how you use passwords. But with the increasing complexity of assaults, even seemingly insignificant weaknesses can put people, businesses, and organizations in danger.

An organization's ability to withstand, respond to, and recover from cyberattacks is known as cyber resilience, and it takes center stage. Guaranteeing a strong defense against changing threats entails putting proactive defensive measures into place, raising staff knowledge, keeping patches up-to-date, encrypting data, and encouraging teamwork.

1. Recognizing Scam Patterns

Understanding threat trends is essential to creating a future of cybersecurity that is more secure. Companies and organizations must understand the scope and origins of risks and their types and sources. It is critical to understand the significance of data loss and its effects on business operations, regardless of the source—unauthorized access, unintentional deletion, change, or disclosure of sensitive information in various ways, whether purposeful or unintended.

Businesses need to understand tips to protect themselves from sudden attacks and recognize typical scam behaviors that endanger their data so they can take precautions against possible threats.

For example, Juniper Research’s study on combating online payment fraud forecasts global losses exceeding at least $343 billion until 2027. A cohesive and proactive strategy is required to minimize cyber risks and avoid data loss.

Business Email Compromise (BEC)

To access a business network, many proficient cybercriminals do not rely on vulnerabilities. Phishing scams are a common way for users to be tricked into voluntarily giving up their login credentials in Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks.

Studies show that Business Email Compromise (BEC) assaults have increased significantly over the previous two years, rising by over 175% and more than 81% in the last year. Significantly, there has been a 145% increase in malicious emails targeting Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs).

To trick the firm, malevolent actors assume the identities of senior executives, often the CEO or CFO, in a Business Email Compromise (BEC) assault. The typical goals of these impostors are to start fraudulent financial transactions, get private information, or provide orders that appear genuine at first. The risk associated with business email compromise (BEC) attacks stems from the unusual degree of legitimacy that the perpetrators project through their communications, many of which involve the use of phony email accounts.

Spear Phishing

While spear phishing is a more advanced version of the classic phishing approach, phishing is still a popular tactic used by malware developers. Spear phishing is a highly targeted technique as opposed to the indiscriminate nature of generic phishing, vishing, and smishing, in which malicious actors mimic official communications from trusted entities to trick a random recipient into clicking a link, downloading an attachment, or divulging sensitive information.

These communications frequently convey urgent justifications and pressure on victims to provide private information. To reach a fake website and be asked to input passwords, account numbers, PINs, and access codes, targets are encouraged to open a malicious file or click on a link. Under the pretense of wanting to access uploaded images, an attacker may ask for usernames and passwords for several services, including Facebook, while assuming the identity of a friend.


Malvertising is a tactic used by hackers to disseminate harmful advertisements by taking advantage of internet advertising networks. When users click on these dangerous advertisements, their devices may unintentionally acquire malware or ransomware. Malvertising is a tactic used by malicious actors to add a false aspect to their assaults by preying on people's trust in well-known websites.

The majority of malvertising campaigns purchase ad space from reliable ad networks, guaranteeing that their malicious advertisements appear on trustworthy websites. Even though these advertisements seem innocent, they include malicious code that attacks victims as soon as the website loads their assaults.

Tech Support Scam

Even though tech support scams appear to be out of date, they nevertheless exist and fool many people. Cybercriminals contact people under the guise of tech support professionals and claim to have problems with their machines in this scam. They demand action quickly and frequently demand payment or remote access to the victim's device to infect it with malware or steal data.

Users are especially vulnerable to this kind of danger because of the psychological manipulation and exploitation of their anxiety and lack of technical understanding.

2. Cyber Hygiene’s Best Practices To Prevent Data Loss

Implement a Strong Automated Backup System

To prevent major data loss or business interruption even in the event of a cyber disaster, IT managers must take a proactive approach to cyber hygiene. This entails backing up data on a regular and consistent basis to aid in recovery in the case of an attack. To protect against any data loss, it is essential to keep these backups offline and in several places. Furthermore, to patch any vulnerabilities and remain ahead of emerging threats, it is crucial to regularly upgrade all systems, software, and applications.

Constant Learning and Instruction

Humans continue to be the most important aspect of cybersecurity because of their mental processes, perception, hesitation, ignorance, and mood swings. This is true regardless of how strong your technology protections are. Human mistakes have long been recognized as a major cybersecurity risk and vulnerability. It is essential to prioritize ongoing security awareness education as a result.

To minimize the danger of careless insider threats and to keep your staff up to date on the most recent risks, hold frequent training sessions. Use realistic phishing simulations to assess readiness and improve abilities.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

By requesting two or more verification methods from users to get access, MFA improves security. Preventing unwanted access is extremely successful with this method. Without the additional authentication element, fraudsters are unable to further their attempts, even if they are successful in obtaining login credentials.

Implement Endpoint Security

Invest in endpoint security solutions that manage and keep an eye on every endpoint to strengthen your network's defenses. Fortify the network against possible breaches by deploying powerful endpoint protection technologies that integrate machine learning and behavioral analysis to detect and stop malicious activity in real-time.


Keeping up strong cybersecurity procedures is critical in the current digital environment. Adding layers of protection against changing cyber threats requires the adoption of proactive solutions like multi-factor authentication, constant education, and strong endpoint security. To protect sensitive data and guarantee a robust and secure digital environment, people and organizations need to maintain awareness, give priority to cyber hygiene, and put in place efficient security measures.