ChatGPT in Classrooms: Opportunities, Challenges, and Ethical Considerations

29 Jun 2024


(1) Mohammad AL-Smad, Qatar University, Qatar and (e-mail: [email protected]).

Abstract and Introduction

History of Using AI in Education

Research Methodology

Literature Review


Conclusion and References

6. Conclusion

Using ChatGPT and other generative AI tools in education offers several benefits. It allows for a more personalized and efficient learning experience for students, as the technology can adapt to individual needs and provide tailored support. Additionally, it enables teachers to deliver feedback more quickly and easily, enhancing the learning process. ChatGPT plays several roles in education, including providing information, facilitating debates and discussions, supporting selfdirected learning, and creating content for course materials. In response to a specific prompt, ChatGPT can generate cases for learning specific topics. However, there are also challenges to consider. The effectiveness of the technology in educational settings is still largely untested, and there may be limitations in the quality of data that AI chatbots rely on. Ethical considerations, such as privacy and bias, as well as safety concerns, must also be addressed when implementing ChatGPT or similar tools in education. By addressing the challenges posed by AI technologies and leveraging their advantages, a fair and effective education system that provides individualized teaching, feedback, and support can be built.

This survey sheds light on the relationship between ChatGPT and teachers, revealing the different roles that each entity can play in the educational context. It emphasizes the importance of teachers’ adapted pedagogical expertise while using such technology and highlights the potential usage of generative AI models to enhance instructional practices.

As a pioneering effort, this survey emphasized the need for future research to provide deeper insights into the application of generative AI models in teaching and learning. It also emphasized the importance of making appropriate pedagogical adjustments to effectively integrate these models into instruction. Moreover, this study highlights the need for a collaboration among educators, researchers, and policy-makers to develop regulatory guidelines and practices that ensure the ethical and responsible use of generative AI models in education.


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