Controlling Automated Vehicles on Large Lane-free Roundabouts (Extended Version): References

3 Sept 2024


(1) Mehdi Naderi;

(2) Markos Papageorgiou;

(3) Dimitrios Troullinos;

(4) Iasson Karafyllis;

(5) Ioannis Papamichail.

Abstract and Introduction

Vehicle Modeling

The Nonlinear Feedback Control

OD Corridors and Desired Orientations

Boundary and Safety Controllers

Simulation Results


Appendix A: Collision Detection

Appendix B: Transformed ISO-Distance curves

Appendix C: Local Density

Appendix D: Safety Controller Details

Appendix E: Controller Parameters



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Mehdi Naderi received the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Hamedan University of Technology, Hamedan, Iran, in 2010, the M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering (Control) from the University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, in 2013, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering (Control) from the K.N. Toosi University of Technology (KNTU), Tehran, Iran, in 2019. From 2020 to 2021, he was a lecturer at KNTU. His research interests include autonomous vehicles, control allocation, and fault tolerant control systems. Since May 2021, he has been a post-doc associate with the Dynamic Systems & Simulation Laboratory, Technical University of Crete.

Markos Papageourgiou (Life Fellow, IEEE) was a Professor of Automation with the Technical University of Munich, Germany, from 1988 to 1994. Since 1994 he has been a professor (since 2021 Professor Emeritus) at the Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece. Since 2021 he has been a Professor at Ningbo University, China. He was a Visiting Professor with the Politecnico di Milano, the Ecole´ Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, MIT, the Sapienza University of Rome, and Tsinghua University, and a Visiting Scholar with UC Berkeley. His research interests include automatic control and optimisation theory and applications to traffic and transportation systems, water systems, and further areas. He is a fellow of IFAC. He received several distinctions and awards, including the 2020 IEEE Transportation Technologies Award and two ERC Advanced Investigator Grants.

Dimitrios Troullinos received the Diploma degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece, in October 2019. His main research interests lie in the area of Multiagent Systems. From November 2019, he is a research associate and since January 2020 he has been a PhD student with the Dynamic Systems & Simulation Laboratory, Technical University of Crete.

Iasson Karafyllis is a Professor in the Department of Mathematics, NTUA, Greece. He is a coauthor (with Z.-P. Jiang) of the book Stability and Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems, Springer-Verlag London, 2011 and a coauthor (with M. Krstic) of the books Predictor Feedback for Delay Systems: Implementations and Approximations, Birkhäuser, Boston 2017 and Input-toState Stability for PDEs, SpringerVerlag London, 2019. Since 2013 he is an Associate Editor for the International Journal of Control and for the IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information. Since 2019 he is an Associate Editor for Systems and Control Letters and Mathematics of Control, Signals and Systems. His research interests include mathematical control theory and nonlinear systems theory.

Prof. Ioannis Papamichail is the Director of the Dynamic Systems and Simulation Laboratory, at the Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece. He received the Dipl. Eng. degree in chemical engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, in 1998 and the M.Sc. degree in process systems engineering and the Ph.D. degree in chemical engineering from Imperial College London, in 1999 and 2002, respectively.

From 1999 to 2002, he was a Research Assistant with the Center for Process Systems Engineering, Imperial College London. He joined the Technical University of Crete in 2004 and has served, since then, at all academic ranks. In 2010, he was a Visiting Scholar with the University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA. He is the author of several technical papers in scientific journals and conference proceedings. His main research interests include automatic control and optimization theory and applications to traffic and transportation systems.

Dr. Papamichail is an Associate Editor for Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies and for IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. He received the 1998 Eugenidi Foundation Scholarship for Postgraduate Studies and the 2010 Transition to Practice Award from the IEEE Control Systems Society for the development and implementation of ramp metering algorithms, particularly at the Monash Freeway, Melbourne, Australia. He also received the TRA 2012 Best Paper Award for Pillar II (Transport, Mobility and Infrastructure), the Best Freeway Operations Paper in 2014 Award by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Freeway Operations Committee, and the IEEE-ITS 2020 Best Conference Paper Award.

This paper is available on arxiv under CC 4.0 license.