COVIDFakeExplainer: An Explainable Machine Learning based Web Application: Conclusion & References

15 Feb 2024

This paper is available on arxiv under CC 4.0 license.


(1) Dylan Warman, School of Computing, Charles Sturt University;

(2) Muhammad Ashad Kabir, School of Computing, Mathematics,.


This paper presents a comprehensive pipeline encompassing the entire process, from training machine learning models to prototype implementation, for the detection of fake news with explainability. Our study demonstrates the potential of combining machine learning and explainability techniques to create a web application tailored for detecting COVID-19- related fake news. Through an extensive empirical analysis, we evaluated the performance of three prominent machine learning algorithms for text classification across seven distinct configurations, employing two distinct datasets. The results indicate that BERT emerges as the optimal choice for COVID19 fake news classification. Moreover, we critically examined the two leading explainability visualization techniques, offering insights into their respective advantages and limitations. Finally, we developed a prototype web application in the form of a Chrome extension. This approach is highly adaptable and can be extended beyond COVID-19 fake news detection, for instance, to classify text or misinformation in a variety of domains. The only requirement for this adaptation is the replacement of the model that serves as the foundation for the application.

In the future, we plan to further improve the application’s robustness by incorporating a larger and more comprehensive dataset. Additionally, we intend to conduct thorough evaluations to assess the usability and performance of the application.


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