Data-Flow-Based Normalization Generation Algorithm of R1CS: Conclusion & References

8 Feb 2024


(1) Chenhao Shi, Shanghai Jiao Tong University;

(2) Ruibang Liu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University;

(3) Guoqiang Li†, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

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Abstract & Introduction


Normalization Algorithm


Conclusion & References


In this paper, we propose an algorithm based on data flow analysis to construct a paradigm for R1CS. The correctness and equivalence of R1CS have long been challenging to study due to the diversity and flexibility of constraint construction methods. Our algorithm aims to eliminate the differences between equivalent R1CS constraint systems through a series of abstraction processes. We introduce ordering methods for internal variables and constraints in R1CS, which provide reference information for the final paradigm generation. Through experimental results, we demonstrate that our algorithm can identify equivalent R1CS resulting from constraint merging, intermediate variable selection, and variable and constraint reordering, and transform them into a unique paradigm. Therefore, R1CS plays an indispensable part in zk-SNARKS. Further work includes establishing rules for merging constraints and a more comprehensive benchmark. This requires us to conduct more in-depth research and exploration of the generation rules of R1CS to improve the algorithm.


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