Unclonable Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge: References

24 Nov 2023

This paper is available on arxiv under CC 4.0 license.


(1) Ruta Jawale;

(2) Dakshita Khurana.

Table of Links

Abstract and Introduction

Technical Overview


Unclonable Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge in the CRS Model

Unclonable NIZK in the Quantum Ramdon Oracle Model

Unclonable Signatures of Knowledge



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A A Reduction Between Unclonability Definitions

A.1 In the CRS model

For completeness, here we repeat the definitions of unclonability.

Definition A.1. (Unclonable Security for Hard Instances). A proof (Setup, Prove,Verify) satisfies unclonable security if for every language L with corresponding relation RL, for every polynomialsized quantum circuit family {Cλ}λ∈N, and for every hard distribution {Xλ,Wλ}λ∈N over RL, there exists a negligible function negl(·) such that for every λ ∈ N,

Definition A.2. (1-to-2 Unclonable Extractability) A proof (Setup, Prove,Verify) satisfies unclonable security there exists a QPT extractor E which is an oracle-aided circuit such that for every language L with corresponding relation RL and for every non-uniform polynomial-time quantum adversary A, for every instance-witness pair (x, w) ∈ RL and λ = λ(|x|), such that there is a polynomial p(·) satisfying:

there is also a polynomial q(·) such that

Claim A.3. Any protocol satisfying Definition A.2 also satisfies Definition A.1.

Proof. Suppose there exists a protocol Π = (Setup, Prove, Verify) satisfying Definition A.2.

Consider the extractor E guaranteed by Definition A.2. Given a sample (x, w) ← (X ,W), we will show that there is a polynomial p ′ (·) such that

which suffices to contradict hardness of the distribution (X ,W), as desired.

Towards showing that Equation (37) holds, recall by Definition A.2 that for every NP instance-witness pair (x, w) such that there is a polynomial p(·) satisfying:

there is also a polynomial q(·) such that

This implies that there is a polynomial q(·) such that for every (x, w) ∈ S,

This, combined with Equation (36) implies that

which proves Equation (37) as desired.

A.2 In the QRO model

For completeness, here we repeat the definitions of unclonability.

Definition A.4. (Unclonable Security for Hard Instances). A proof (Prove, Verify) satisfies unclonable security with respect to a quantum random oracle O if for every language L with corresponding relation RL, for every polynomial-sized quantum oracle-aided circuit family {Cλ}λ∈N, and for every hard distribution {Xλ,Wλ}λ∈N over RL, there exists a negligible function negl(·) such that for every λ ∈ N,

Definition A.5. (1-to-2 Unclonable Extractability) A proof (Prove, Verify) satisfies unclonable security with respect to a quantum random oracle O there exists a QPT extractor E which is an oracle-aided circuit such that for every language L with corresponding relation RL and for every non-uniform polynomial-time quantum adversary A, for every instance-witness pair (x, w) ∈ RL and λ = λ(|x|), such that there is a polynomial p(·) satisfying:

there is also a polynomial q(·) such that

Claim A.6. Any protocol satisfying Definition A.5 also satisfies Definition A.4.

Proof. Suppose there exists a protocol Π = (Prove,Verify) satisfying Definition A.5.

Let S denote the set of instance-witness pairs {(x, w) ∈ (X ,W)} that satisfy

First, we claim that

Suppose not, then by Equation (41),

contradicting Equation (40). Thus, Equation (42) must be true.

Consider the extractor E guaranteed by Definition A.5. Given a sample (x, w) ← (X ,W), we will show that there is a polynomial p ′ (·) such that

which suffices to contradict hardness of the distribution (X ,W), as desired.

Towards showing that Equation (43) holds, recall by Definition A.5 that for every NP instance-witness pair (x, w) such that there is a polynomial p(·) satisfying:

there is also a polynomial q(·) such that

This along with Equation (40) implies that there is a polynomial q(·) such that for every (x, w) ∈ S,

This, combined with Equation (42) implies that

which proves Equation (43) as desired.