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(1) Zhipeng Wang, Department of Computing, Imperial College London;
(2) Nanqing Dong Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford;
(3) Jiahao Sun, Data Science Institute, Imperial College London;
(4) William Knottenbelt, Department of Computing, Imperial College London.
Theoretical and Empirical Analysis
We present a novel and pioneering approach called zkFL, which utilizes ZKPs to ensure a trustworthy aggregation process on the centralized aggregator. Through rigorous theoretical analysis, we establish that zkFL effectively addresses the challenge posed by a malicious aggregator during the model aggregation phase. Moreover, we extend zkFL to a blockchain-based system, significantly reducing the verification burden on the clients. The empirical analysis demonstrates that our design achieves superior levels of security and privacy compared to traditional FL systems while maintaining a favorable training speed for the clients.
These results showcase the practical feasibility and potential advantages of zkFL and its blockchain-based version in real-world applications.
This work was supported in part by the FLock Research Grant.
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